A childhood healing
One of my earliest childhood memories involves a truly remarkable healing I had through prayer.
Freedom of movement restored
In the fall of 2018, after what had seemed to be only a slight back-pulling injury, my condition rapidly worsened. At times I was nearly immobile and almost always in great physical discomfort.
Stomach pain healed
For several days I would suffer from acute stomach pain whenever I had something to eat. It didn’t matter what I’d eaten.
Divine Love lifts all burdens
In our own lives, burdens may come along just when we see the possibility of expanding opportunities. Such was my experience.
Can prayer heal my body?
You may believe that prayer can help or heal certain things. But what about a broken bone or something else wrong with your body? [34 min audio podcast]
No more knee trouble
"One morning as I started to get out of bed, I found I could not put any weight on one leg. I’d been dealing with discomfort in my knee for some time, but I hadn’t given it much thought. I like to be active, and this condition scared me.
Neutralizing racism with Truth
"When we placed our bags on the conveyor belt, the man in front of us suddenly turned around. Visibly incensed, he threw our luggage on the floor."
Congestion gone, hearing restored
Fresh inspiration from prayer lead the way in the healing of congestion and hearing loss
Christian Science Bible Lesson Study Group – Barrington
ONGOING - In person and via zoom; Saturdays @ 10am in Barrington IL
Weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson Study Hour – Chicago
ONGOING - In person; Saturdays @ 2pm in Lincoln Park, Chicago IL