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Local Impact – Stories of Spiritual Well Being & Healing in Metro Chicago

Explore this specially-curated collection of healings written by people who live in the Chicago area. They represent the kind of spiritual healing & spiritual well being you’ll hear during a Wednesday prayer group meeting.  Enjoy reading and come join us at a mid-week prayer meeting.  Click to find an online prayer circle or in person meeting near you!

Living under God’s government

I received in the mail a photo taken of our building during business hours. It said I was in violation of a village ordinance and must appear in court on a specific date to pay a fine of several hundred dollars.

Freedom of movement restored

In the fall of 2018, after what had seemed to be only a slight back-pulling injury, my condition rapidly worsened. At times I was nearly immobile and almost always in great physical discomfort.

No more knee trouble

"One morning as I started to get out of bed, I found I could not put any weight on one leg. I’d been dealing with discomfort in my knee for some time, but I hadn’t given it much thought. I like to be active, and this condition scared me.